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Old Calculators

Updated 6/5/2024

The museum is always looking for interesting or unusual old calculators, most specifically early electronic calculators (1961-1975), or late model electro-mechanical calculators(1955-1967). If you have a calculator that is listed as WANTED here, or that you feel may fit the museum's interests, and want to find a new home for it, please contact us. Also, the museum has a few items for trade (listed at the end of this page) that you may be interested in checking out. If you have a something that would make a good addition to the museum, whether listed here or not, please send an EMail.

Due to space limitations, the museum is not seeking ancient calculating machines (abacus, hand-cranked, or stylus-driven), typewriters, adding machines or accounting machines. The museum is also generally not seeking handheld calculators with LED(Light-Emitting Diode) or LCD(Liquid Crystal) displays except for very early models with these types of display (send us a message if you have and LED or LCD calculator that seems old, and if possible, send photos, and we will let you know if the museum is interested).

The museum's primary interest lies in desktop electronic calculators (capable at least of automatic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division), utilizing early display technology such as Cathode Ray Tube(CRT), Nixie Tube, Planar Gas-Discharge Displays(Burroughs Panaplex and clones), incandescent displays, Numitron, Itron, LED (Light-Emitting Diode)(only on desktop calculators) display, and early individual tube segmented gas-discharge and vacuum-fluorescent devices. Electronic design includes discrete diode/transistor, Parametron (ferro-electronic logic), cold-cathode tubes, early bipolar RTL, DTL & TTL small/medium-scale IC's) and MOS integrated circuit techology in small and medium-scale forms, along with early Large-Scale MOS integrated circuit devices. Manufacturers include (but not limited to): Addo-X, Sumlock Comptometer, Brother, Burroughs, Busicom/Nippon Calculating Machine Co., Canon, Cintra, Casio, Commodore, Compucorp (Computer Design Corp.), Dietzgen, Dictaphone, Dero, Diehl, Nippon Columbia Co., Ltd. (Denon), Elka, Facit, Friden/Singer, Hewlett Packard, Hitachi, Industria Macchine Elettroniche (IME), Iskra, Micro Instrumentation & Telemetry Systems (MITS), Monroe/Litton, National Cash Register (NCR), Oi Electric, Olivetti, Olympia, Omron, Philips, Ricoh, Rockwell, Sanyo, Smith-Corona Marchant (SCM), Seiko, Hayakawa Electric/Sharp, Soemtron, Sony, Sperry/Remington Rand, Tektronix, Toshiba, Victor Comptometer, Walther, Wang Laboratories, or Wyle Laboratories

Secondarily, the museum has interest in later-model (1950 and beyond) electro-mechanical (motor-driven) calculators from Monroe, SCM/Marchant, Friden, Facit, Soemtron, or Diehl, built between the mid '50's through late '60's. Must be electrically (motor powered) mechanical calculators (e.g., can add, subtract, multiply and divide automatically), generally of the rotary type, though there is interest in some printing models.

The museum generally prefers machines that are in operating and presentable cosmetic condition, but if you have a broken calculator that is listed on this wanted list or seems to meet the general criteria, don't hesitate to contact the museum, even if it is in pretty bad shape. Please, no calculators with heavy rust; corrosion; insect and/or rodent infestation; heavy exposure to humidity or corrosive liquids (including water); accumulation of dirt, mud, or sand; or severe structural damage.

If you have something that seems to fit the interests of the museum, but would rather trade, please see the Trade section at the end of this page. Of course, if your old machine is laying around gathering dust, and you'd like to see it exhibited in the museum, donations are gratefully accepted. The museum does not have non-profit organization status, so a tax deduction for your donation cannot be granted, but the website and physical exhibit will most certainly credit you for your contribution. The museum can arrange to pay packing and shipping costs for calculators that donated.

The museum also is intersted in guest exhibits, which are exhibits provided on loan from the owner of the calculator. The museum can arrange to pay packing, shipping and insurance costs to get your calculator to the museum for documentation as an exhibit, and then pay shipping and insurance costs to return the calculator to you. Guest exhibits are credited to the owner of the machine. A guest exhibit is a great way for your old relic to be documented for others to see and learn from. Please visit the Old Calculator Web Museum FAQ for more information on guest exhibits.

Following is a list of calculators that the museum has specific interest in. If the make/model of the calculator is a link, you can click on it to see a picture and perhaps additional information about the calculator. If you have one of the calculators listed here, and have interest in it becoming a part of the Old Calcualtor Museum's collection, please contact us. If you have a calculator that isn't on the list, but you think it might be of interest, again, please don't hesitate to send us a message about it, including a photo or two if possible. Even if you aren't interested in finding a new home for your old calculator, we are always interested in hearing from folks who own these great relics of our computing history.

Of course, should you have any questions about any of the old calculators exhibited in the museum, or listed here in the Wanted area, please don't hesitate to send a message. The curator aspires to answer every message promptly and personally, although depending on the situation, it may take a day or two before you receive a response, so please be patient with us. The museum is a labor of love, and sometimes life situations demand more attention, and museum-related things must wait.

Special Wanted Notices

Looking for any information or examples of Wyle Laboratories' Model WS-01 "Scientific" calculator.

Wanted - Any information on, or examples of a calculator called the Aleph Zero, manufactured by Oi Electric, a Japanese electronic equipment manufacturer, and marketed by Ricoh.

Wanted - Any information on, or examples of a calculator called the Sage-1, made by Dero Research and Development Co.

Addo-X 9910
Early printing electronic calculator made by A.B. Addo of Malmo, Sweden. 18 digit capacity (with four additional guard digits), 10-key keyboard.

Addo-X 9357
14-digit capacity, fixed decimal at 0, 2, 4 and 6 digits behind the decimal point. Constant for multiplication and division.

Anita Mark 11 (Mark XI)
Interesting hybrid calculator utilizing both transistor and cold-cathode (thyratron/dekatron) circuitry. First Sumlock Anita calculator to utilize 10-key keyboard versus the "full" keyboards of earlier machines.

Anita Mark 12 (Mark XII)
Interesting hybrid calculator utilizing both transistor and cold-cathode (thyratron/dekatron) circuitry. Functionally similar to Mark 11, with 10-key keyboard, but adds a memory register.

Anita 1011
Third Generation Sumlock/Anita Nixie tube calculator. Ten digit, four function with percent and memory. Mostly discrete transistor circuitry with a few IC's.

Anita 1011 LSI
3rd Generation Sumlock/Anita Nixie tube calculator. Ten digit, four function with percent and memory. Essentially a re-implementation of Anita 1011 (see above) using early Large Scale IC's.

Busicom 162
16-digit capacity, Nixie tube display, automatic square root, two accumulating memory registers. Utilizes small-scale DTL IC logic made by Signetics, with a small core memory array for working register storage. Marketed in the US by National Cash Register (NCR) as the NCR 18-3. Museum is also seeking the NCR 18-3.

Busicom 162C
Identical to the Busicom 162 listed above, but introduced at a later date as a cost-reduced version of the 162 by simply eliminating the square root key on the keyboard. On the 162C, the backspace key is double-width to fill the space that was occupied by the square root key on the 162. Otherwise, all of the same features of the 162 Marketed in the US by National Cash Register (NCR) as the NCR 18-2.

Busicom 202
The first electronic calculator sold by Nippon Calculating Machine Co., under the Busicom brand name. Designed and initially built under contract by Wyle Laboratories in the US. Architecture based on Wyle Laboratories transistorized WS-02 electronic calculator. Uses built-in bi-directional punched card reader, which reads cards on-the-fly to execute programs. 20 digit capacity, with CRT display using seven-segment digit rendition. Two memory registers. Utilizes early small-scale DTL integrated circuit technology and magnetostrictive delay line for register storage.

Busicom 2017/2017P
A programmable desktop calculator with the same design as the Busicom 207, but with ten more memory registers. Built-in bi-directional punched card reader for programming. 20 digit capacity with seven-segment rendition CRT display. 17 memory registers. Utilizes early small-scale DTL integrated circuit technology and magnetostrictive delay lines made by Nippon Electronic Co.(NEC). The Model 2017P added an interface for an external high-speed printer.

Busicom Junior Model 120-DM
A twelve-digit, four function fixed decimal AC-powered desktop calculator utilizing individual seven-segment vacuum-fluorescent display tubes. Two versions, first version executed with 22 small and medium-scale Japanese MOS integrated circuits, and the second version using the first "Calculator-on-a-Chip", made under contract to Nippon Calculating Machine Co., Ltd. (NCM) by Mostek, the MK-6010. A number of OEM customers of NCM marketed the same calculators under the brands of NCR, Sanwa Precisa, and Elwro. The Old Calculator Museum is looking for examples of any of these calculators, working or not.

Busicom Exec Model 120-DN
A follow-on to the above-listed Busicom Junior 120-DM desktop calculator with updated styling and a slightly smaller cabinet. Uses the first "Calculator-on-a-Chip", the Mostek MK-6010.

Brother Calther 130
Brother's first electronic calculator, debuted in October of 1966. Transistor technology, 13-digit Nixie Tube Display. Wanted dead or alive.

Brother 614
Fourteen digit, four-function printing electronic calculator. Same functionality as the Nixie Tube Display Brother 514. Utilizes early Mitsubishi-made small-scale integrated circuit technology.

Brother 310
Somewhat of an oddity, the Brother 310 does not provide the division function, nor does it support fractional numbers. The calculator uses a three-chip MOS LSI chip-set made by Mitsubishi that doesn't provide division or decimal point management functions. This low-cost chip-set was intended to provide a lower cost-of-entry for an electronic calculator in cost-sensitive markets such as for use in the home, where division may not have been viewed as an important function. The same calculator was sold by Brother to Remington Rand as an OEM product, which Remington marketed as the Remington E-3. Denon also marketed a calculator with the same chip-set as the Denon DEC-311. The primary difference between the Denon calculator and the Brother/Remington machines is that the Denon uses a Nixie tube display system, while the Brother and OEM calculators use seven-segment vacuum-fluorescent display tube display technology.

Burroughs C3120
Burroughs 12-digit Nixie display Desktop Calculator, circa late 1960's. One accumulator-style memory register. Four function only.

Burroughs C3316
Burroughs 16-digit Nixie display Desktop Calculator, Circa 1968-1970. Two accumulator-style memory registers. Four function with square root.

Burroughs C7400
Burroughs Programmable Desktop Printing calculator, circa 1977-1979. Higher-level programming functions. Four function math, with arbitrary root and power functions. Algebraic logic.

Canon 130
First commercial Canon electronic calculator product, introduced in late 1964. All transistor circuitry. Four function, 13 digit capacity. Display uses unique electro-optical technology designed by Canon. See exhibit of Canon 161 for more information.

Canon 163
Canon Nixie-display desktop electronic calculator from the late 1960's. 16 digit with memory functions, square root. The Monroe 990 may be the Monroe-sold version of this calculator.

Canon 167
An interesting calculator designed using a small magnetic drum (8 tracks) as the storage element for the working registers of the calculator. 16 digit capacity with four functions and square root. Utilizes Canon's unique electro-optical display technology, same as used in the Canon 161. Seven memory registers (five store/recall, two accumulating registers).

Canon 1614P
Canon Punched-Card Programmable, 16-digit Nixie Display. Appears to be virtually identical to Canon 167P, with more memory registers (14), and possibly larger program storage space.

Canon Canola SX-320 Programmable
Complex programmable calculator, from the 1977 time frame. LED display, 16-digit mantissa, 2-digit exponent, with signs. Mostly LSI IC technology, with a lot of small-scale glue logic. Built-in thermal alphanumeric dot-matrix printer and magnetic tape cassette drive. Fixed or floating decimal. Large assortment of scientific functions built-in.

Casio 001 Desktop Calculator
Casio's first solid-state electronic calculator. Nixie tube display, four-function, AC-powered desktop calculator. Constant set by front-mounted rotary switches. Discrete Germanium transistor technology.

Casio √001 Desktop Calculator
Follow-up to the Casio 001 calculator, the √001 adds an automatic square root function, but is otherwise virtually identical to its progenitor. Nixie tube display, AC-powered desktop calculator with ten digits of capacity. Constant set by front-mounted rotary switches. Discrete Germanium Transistor technology.

Casio 101 Desktop Calculator
Casio's first primarily Silicon transistor-based electronic calculator, as well as the first electronic calculator produced by Casio that was formally exported outside of Japan. The 101 was first exported to Australia, where the calculator was marketed by Remington, as the Remington 101. This marked the beginning of a long relationship with Remington Rand/Sperry Remington whereby Casio calculators were sold under the Remington brand around the world. The Casio 101 is a ten digit, Nixie tube display, four function electronic calculator, implemented with fully-transistorized technology. It provides an accumulator style memory register with a summation capability that automatically accumulates products or quotients in the memory register. The calculator also provides a seven-digit constant that is set by a row of rotary switches located across the front edge of the calculator, the content of which can be called up on the display with a special key on the keyboard.

Casio 101P Desktop Calculator
Printing version of the Casio 101 calculator. Four-function, AC-powered printing desktop calculator. Single memory register can automatically accumulate sum of products or quotients. Seven-digit constant set by rotary switches. Transistorized logic, no integrated circuits. 20 character-per-second printer records results on adding machine tape. Casio's first printing electronic calculator.

Casio AL-1000 Desktop Calculator
First-generation, transistorized electronic calculator from Casio. Casio's first programmable calculator. Identical machine marketed by Commodore as the Commodore AL-1000. Not looking for the Commodore-branded AL-1000, only the Casio version. Wanted dead or alive.

Casio AL-1000S Desktop Calculator
Augmented version of the AL-1000 (see above) that provides input and output capabilities via a special external typewriter and interface box.

Casio AS-C Desktop Calculator
Casio Desktop 12-digit Nixie-Tube Calculator from early 1970's. Early 4-chip MOS LSI chip-set made by Fairchild in the US. Electronically similar to the Casio 121K. Same calculator may also have been marketed as Casio 121-C, but as yet this has not been positively verified.

Casio 152 Desktop Calculator
Casio's first electronic calculator to use integrated circuits. 15-digit Nixie-display desktop electronic calculator, utilizing first-generation Japanese-made small and medium-scale MOS integrated circuit logic. Four function with two memory registers and summation modes.

Casio 121 Desktop Calculator
Casio Desktop AC-Powered Nixie-Tube Display Calculator. 12-Digit, four-function calculator with one accumulating memory register Mid-range member of Casio's first line of electronic calculators to use Japanese-made MOS small and medium-scale integrated circuit logic.

Casio 161 Desktop Calculator
Casio AC-Powered Desktop Nixie-Tube Display Calculator. 16-Digit, four-function calculator with one accumulating memory register Top end machine in Casio's first line of electronic calculators to use Japanese-made MOS small and medium-scale integrated circuit logic.

Casio 121-B or AS-B Desktop Calculator
Casio Desktop Nixie-Tube Calculator. Identical machines with two different model numbers...photo shows 121-B, but AS-B is identical with exception of model number. Looking for either or both machines. Twelve-Digit, four-function with accumulating memory register. AC-Powered. Sold by Remington Rand in Australia and North America as the EDC-1201GT "Lektronic". Not seeking the EDC-1201GT calculator.

Casio 121K Desktop Calculator
Casio Desktop Nixie-Tube display Calculator. 12-Digit, four-function with constant and accumulating total register. Circa late 1970, uses early Fairchild 4-chip LSI calculator chip-set. AC-Powered. Also wanted is the 16-digit version of this machine, the Casio 161K.

Casio 161K Desktop Calculator
Sixteen-Digit version of the Casio 121K calculator.

Casio 122 Desktop Calculator
Desktop calculator using small- and medium-scale Japanese MOS integrated circuits, as well as two American-made Philco Ford Microelectronics SC-1772 medium-scale shift-register devices. 12-Digit Nixie-display, four-function, AC-powered desktop calculator with accumulating memory register. The Casio 122 was marketed by Commodore via an OEM agreement with Casio. This machine was marketed as the Commodore DAC-612.

Casio CL-100 Desktop Calculator
Basic four-function desktop calculator utilizing early Japanese-made MOS Small- and medium-scale integrated circuits. Four-function entry-level AC-powered desktop electronic calculator. 12-digit Nixie tube display. Casio's first electronic calculator with automatic floating decimal. Constant multiplication and division.

Casio CL-200 Desktop Calculator
An update of the earlier CL-100 using Toshiba-made medium-scale Keyboard Encoder and Shift Register ICs, as well as Toshiba Nixie Tube driver ICs instead of discrete transistor drivers used in the CL-100. Visually and functionally identical to the CL-100, providing the basic four math functions, 12-digit Nixie tube display, and floating decimal. Also marketed by Remington as the EDC-1201 with a slightly different cabinet and color scheme.

Casio 101-S Desktop Calculator
General business or home-use 10-digit, four function electronic calculator with accumulator-style memory register. Vacuum-fluorescent display with switch selectable fixed decimal. Unusual half-sized zeroes. Five chip Hitachi-made MOS-LSI chip-set. Introduced in mid-1972.

Cintra/Tektronix "Statistician" Model 911 Desktop Calculator
10 digit (plus 2 digit exponent) Nixie display, statistical functions calculator. Probably introduced in late '69 to early '70. Originally made by Cintra, but later re-badged by Tektronix, when Tek purchased Cintra in May of 1971. Physical appearance virtually identical to the Cintra/Tektronix 909 with only difference being keyboard nomenclature.

Commodore 1161
Sixteen digit Nixie tube display, four function calculator with accumulating memory register utilizing Japanese made small and medium- scale MOS integrated circuits. Calculator was manufactured by Casio as the Casio 161 and marketed in North America as the Commodore 1161 under an OEM agreement that Commodore had with Casio. See the Old Calculator Museum exhibit on the Commodore 1121 for more information.

Commodore 612
Commodore 12-digit desktop electronic calculator. Nixie tube display. Accumulating memory register for sum of products/quotients. Automatic constant for multiply/divide. Hybrid fixed/floating decimal, with location set by position of decimal in first number. Small and Early Medium-Scale MOS Integrated Circuitry.

Compucorp 110 Scientist
Compucorp AC-Powered Desktop Scientific Calculator. Shared styling with other first generation Compucorp calculators. Nixie tube display, scientific notation capable.

Compucorp 110G Scientist
Compucorp AC-Powered Desktop Scientific Calculator. Enhanced version of Compucorp 110 to provide trig arguments and results in degrees or gradians selectable by a front panel switch.

Compucorp 155 Surveyor
Compucorp AC-Powered programmable printing desktop calculator specifically designed for surveying applications. First-generation HTL Large Scale chip-set shared with other 100-series calculators. Drum impact printer. Optional card reader for loading programs from punched cards.

Compucorp 275 Banker
Desktop printing programmable application-specific calculator targeted toward banking applications. Uses Computer Design Corporation's first-generation HTL LSI chip-set, with custom microcode for banking functions. 128 step program memory standard, with optional 256 step memory in model 275E.

Compucorp 327 Scientific
Compucorp AC-Powered Desktop Programmable scientific calculator. 12-digit display with impact (drum) printer. 416-step learn-mode programming. Add-on external cassette tape drive allows storage of programs and data on cassette tape. Two-color (black/red) printing capability. Six-level subroutine nesting. I/O expansion capabilities allow connection of peripheral devices including ASR-33 Teletype units.

Data Acquisition Corp. DAC-512
An early advanced programmable desktop calculator made by Data Acquisition Corp., of Hamden, Connecticut. Machine was introduced in mid-1965, and was arguably the most powerful desktop electronic calculator available at the time, and for some time thereafter. Four-function, arithmetic logic with parentheses. Nixie display. Keyboard/display unit with cable to remote electronics package. Transistor and magnetic core memory technology. Wanted dead or alive. Also looking for documentation, marketing literature, or user anecdotes.

Dietzgen 7400P
Eugene Dietzgen Co. OEM version of
Computer Design Corporation's Desktop Nixie-Tube display scientific programmable calculator. Calculator provides Trigonometric Functions, Factorial, Square Root, Logarithms, Exponential functions. 128-Step Program Memory.

Denon DEC-521
Early Denon Desktop Calculator. 12-digit Nixie display.

Denon DEC-621
Early Denon Desktop Calculator. 14-digit Nixie display.

Dero Sage 1
One and only calculator made by Dero Research & Development Corp., a company that manufactured military radio equipment. The Sage 1 has a ten-digit, incandescently-lit 7-segment display. The machine features a double-precision mode to provide a capacity of 20 digits. It is a basic four-function calculator, with a single memory register. Strangely, the machine provides no capability for calculations involving fractional numbers, it operates on integers only, relying on the operator to manage calculations that have non-integer results. It was introduced in October of 1965, and was unusual for the time in that it utilized early small-scale integrated circuit logic. If you have one of these machines, worked for Dero Research during this time, or have any information about this machine, please contact the curator by clicking the EMail link above.

Dictaphone 1620
Dictaphone's version of the Sanyo ICC-162. Dictaphone had an OEM agreement with Sanyo whereby Dictaphone would sell and service Sanyo-made machines in North America under the Dictaphone brand.

Diehl Combitron
First electronic calculator by German firm Diehl, introduced in 1966. Design by Stanley Frankel, American Manhattan Project Nuclear physicist and later, prolific Computer/Calculator Designer. Print-only calculator, with front panel indicators to show how many digits have been entered. All-transistor logic, with two magnetostrictive delay lines (one for microcode store, the other for program step, memory registers, and working register storage. Operating microcode for calculator loads at at power-on from metal punched tape. Learn-mode programmable, four function calculators with automatic one-key square root.

Facit 1114
8-digit Vacuum Fluorescent-display AC-powered desktop calculator, 4 function, fixed/floating decimal. Introduced late 1972.

Facit 1115
Facit's OEM version of the groundbreaking Sharp QT-8D.

Facit 1123
14-digit Nixie desktop calculator, 4 function, fixed decimal. Small-scale IC logic.

Facit 1125
16-digit Nixie desktop calculator, 4 function, fixed decimal with 2 accumulating memory registers. Small-scale IC logic.

Friden 5005 Computyper
Late '60's-vintage business billing machine integrating functions of a programmable calculator into a 2nd generation Friden Flexowriter. Any information, documentation, stories/recollections, and, of course, if you have one, the museum wants it, working or not.

Singer/Friden EC-1150
Friden's first electronic printing calculator. Base model in series, similar to to Friden 1152 calculator. Small-scale integrated circuit technology.

Singer/Friden EC1151
A programmable version of the 1150 (see above), providing learn-mode programming capability of 30 steps. Small-scale integrated circuit technology.

Friden SRW
Friden desktop electro-mechanical calculator with automatic square root.

Friden SVE
Friden Electro-mechanical, early 1960's. Shortcut multiply, automatic decimal point placement.

General Teknika 1600
Manufactured by The General Corporation of Japan, the Teknika 1600 the first electronic calculator manufactured by the company, introduced in 1967. The machine provides sixteen digits of capacity, with fixed decimal point settings ranging from zero to nine digits behind the decimal. The machine uses gas-discharge seven-segment display tubes. The circuitry is implemented with Mitsubishi small-scale DTL/TTL integrated circuits, and a small core memory array for working register storage.

Hitachi KK-461
Hitachi's lower-cost, higher level integration version of the Hitachi ELCA-26. Nixie tube display. 14-digit capacity. Four function with two memory registers. Marketed by Hitachi in Asia and Europe.

Hitachi KK-471
Hitachi's lower-cost, higher level of integration version of the Hitachi ELKA-42. Nixie tube display. 12-digit capacity. Four function with one memory register. Marketed by Hitachi in Asia and Europe.

A dead-ringer for the Commodore US*8 (Version I) that was sold by Hugle International. The Hugle-8 differs from the Commodore US*8 (Version I) in that the Hugle-8 omits the decimal point position selection switch (covering the location with a sticker), operating only in automatic floating decimal point mode. Eight digit, four-function, seven-segment planar gas-discharge display, with switch-selectable constant in multiplication and division.

A combination digital clock and electronic calculator desk accessory in a fancy wood-clad plastic case. Marketed during the 1973-1974 time frame by Hugle International. Eight digit, individual tube-type vacuum-fluorescent display, that can display the time or calculator output. The device has two MOS Large-Scale Integration chips made by National Semiconductor that implement its functionality. One is a MM5314 digital clock IC, and the other is a MM5725 single-chip calculator. The calculator provides the four basic math functions, with full floating decimal on input and output. The calculator provides leading zero suppression and right-justifies all results to provide the most precision behind the decimal point as possible. Two unusual keys on the keyboard, [MIN] and [SEC] are used for setting the current time of day. Keyboard design and color-scheme closely resembles the Version I Commodore US*8.

Hunor 131
First electronic calculator made and marketed in Hungary by Elektronikus Mérőkészülékek Gyára(EMG). Transistorized construction. Four function, 13-digit Nixie tube display.

Hunor 157
An amazing Hungarian-made multi-user calculator along the lines of the American Wang Laboratories 360SE. Like the Wang 360SE, the Hunor 157 is utilizes a small suitcase-sized electronics package into which up to four Hunor 158 keyboard/display units can be connected (by fairly large cables). The keyboard/display units can be operated simultaneously, meaning that up to four people can use the calculator system at the same time. Fully-transistorized construction, no integrated circuits here. The machine was manufactured by Elektronikus Mérőkészülékek Gyára(EMG). Both Hunor 157 electronics package and Hunor 158 Keyboard/Display units wanted.

IME 26
Follow-on, lower-cost version of the original IME 84 and IME 86 calculators. All transistor circuitry of same architecture as the earlier IME calculators. 12 digit capacity with fixed decimal. Magnetic core memory for working register storage. Nixie tube display. Four function with single accumulating memory register.

IME 84
First electronic calculator by Italian calculator company Industria Macchine Elettroniche (IME). One of the earliest all-transistor electronic calculators. Uses core memory for register storage. 16-digit capacity with Nixie tube display. Four function. Introduced in 1964.

Iskra 123
Soviet (Made in Russia) 16-digit Nixie tube display calculator. Magnetostrictive delay line for working registers, memory registers, and program step memory. Four function with automatic square root. Five memory registers. First Soviet learn-mode programmable electronic calculator. 70 program step memory. Circa 1973-1978.

Logicon "Computer"
Programmable desktop electronic calculator designed for in-house engineering use by Logicon, Inc. of Redondo Beach, California. CRT Display. Learn-mode programming. Core memory for register and program storage. First prototype operational early to mid-1965. Machine never became a product -- it was designed and manufactured (somewhere between two and six were apparently made) strictly as a tool to help with engineering calculations within Logicon. Wanted in any condition.

Miida 1214
Twelve digit, four function, vacuum-fluorescent display calculator packaged in a very contemporary wedge-shaped cabinet. Offers a single accumulating memory register which can be added to or subtracted from. Unusually small package for a full 12-digit calculator, hinting that the machine uses some form of large-scale integrated circuit technology for its brains. Same cabinet package used on the Miida MC-840.

MITS 1440
MITS general-purpose desktop electronic calculator. Uses Electronic Arrays Six-IC LSI Calculator Chip-set that is an extension of the chip-set used in MITS' first electronic calculator, the 816. 14 digit LED display. Square root, percent, and memory functions. Circa 1973.

MITS' third electronic calculator product, the 908DM, as with its predecessors, was available in fully assembled, or in kit form. The calculator has a capacity of eight digits, with floating (default) or fixed decimal point position set by pressing the [.] key, the [=] key, and then a number from zero to seven to indicate where the decimal point should be positioned. The 908DM provides a memory register, single-key squaring, square root and reciprocal operations, a percentage function, and the usual four math functions. It features algebraic entry, though all calculations are performed in the order entered rather than adhering to any order of precedence. As with the earlier MITS calculators, the 908DM utilizes a calculator chip-set from Electronic Arrays. The display is provided by individual vacuum-fluorescent display tubes, rendering the digits in traditional seven-segment form.

MITS 7400
MITS most advanced calculator targeted at scientific/engineering usage. Stack-based architecture, with 3, 5, or 7-level stack. Two store/ recall memory registers. Ten digit LED display with fourteen digit accuracy. Normal or scientific (-99 to +99 exponent) numeric representation. Introduced December, 1972.

Monroe EPIC 2000 Programmable Calculator
Printing only, all transistor "Learn Mode" programmable calculator. Two part design, printer/keyboard unit connects to suitcase-sized electronics package. Specifically looking for keyboard/printer unit, but any and all parts wanted.

Monroe 820/820A
14 pound desktop CRT display four-function office calculator. Fixed and floating decimal settings. Two row, 14-digit CRT display, with seven-segment digit rendition. Circa 1969/1970. Two versions, 820, and 820A which added an accumulation mode with a switch on the keyboard for enabling accumulation.

Monroe 925
Big brother to the Monroe 920, adding a memory register that can automatically accumulate sums of products and/or quotients.

Monroe 1710 Statistician
Desktop Nixie tube display statistical calculator, entry-level calculator in the Monroe 1700-Series line of calculators.

Monroe 1765 Surveyor
Desktop Printing-only Programmable Calculator, with specialized functions for surveying applications. 256-step program storage. Can connect to external punched card reader for loading programs. Circa 1971.

Monroe 610
Entry-level machine in Monroe's 600-Series of desktop electronic calculators. Utilizes early Large-Scale Integration Chip-set (4 chips) made by Texas Instruments.

NCR 18-3
Manufactured for NCR for sale in USA by Nippon Calculating Machine Co./Busicom(Japan), who marketed the identical machine as the Busicom 162C. 16-Digit Nixie display calculator, utilizing small-scale integrated circuit technology, and small magnetic core memory for register storage. Four function with one key automatic square root. See exhibit on the NCR 18-2 for information on the 18-3's little brother, same calculator without square root function.

NCR 18-15
Manufactured for NCR for sale in USA by Nippon Calculating Machine Co./Busicom(Japan). Medium-Scale integrated circuit logic implementation. 12-digit Vacuum-Fluorescent display, four function, fixed decimal.

NCR 18-16
Manufactured for NCR for sale in USA by Nippon Calculating Machine Co./Busicom(Japan). Uses first-ever single-chip calculator IC, made by Mostek. 12-digit Vacuum-Fluorescent display, four function, fixed decimal.

Ricoh/Oi Electric Aleph-Zero
Early desktop electronic calculator utilizing Parametron ferromagnetic devices as logic elements. Manufactured by Oi Electric for Ricoh, and sold under the Ricoh brand in Japan.

Olivetti Programma 101
The museum's existing Programma 101 has some problems that are difficult to solve (rubber parts disintegrating, some missing parts). Looking for complete machines or parts, working or not, to try to put together a fully operational example for the museum.

Olivetti P-602
Circa 1971. Follow-on to Olivetti Programma 101. Magnetic-card reader/writer for offline program storage. Built-in drum printer for output.

Olympia RAE 4/15
Olympia's first electronic calculator. All-transistor construction with magnetic core memory, Nixie tube display. Four function with multiple memory registers. 15-digit capacity.

Olympia RAE 4/30-2
First generation Olympia electronic calculator. Mid-range machine the RAE 4/30 series, with two memory registers. Magnetic core memory, Nixie tube display, all-transistor construction.

Olympia RAE 4/30-3
First generation Olympia electronic calculator. High end of the RAE 4/30 series, with three memory registers. Functionally identical to the Monroe 770, which was a cosmetically modified version of the RAE 4/30-3 (keyboard color changes, badging, power switch location, and overflow/sign indicator indication) marketed in North America by Monroe.

Omron 1210
Omron's first electronic calculator. Very early four-chip LSI calculator chip-set. Desktop, 12-digit calculator with add/subtract memory register. Unique segmented vacuum-fluorescent display that creates stylish digits that look almost handwritten. Very early MOS LSI chip-set technology (4 chips). Sold under other brands, through contracts with Omron. The museum is interested in any brand of this calculator.

Omron 1200
Omron's second electronic calculator. Desktop, 12-digit four-function electronic calculator. Logic reduced to two-chip chip-set versus four in Omron 1210. Unique segmented vacuum-fluorescent display that creates stylish digits that look almost handwritten. Very early MOS LSI chip-set technology (2 chips). Sold under other brands, through contracts with Omron. The museum is interested in any brand of this calculator.

Omron 800
Omron contracted with chip design house Integrated Systems Technology (IST) and custom chip manufacturer Nortec Electronics to develop an inexpensive three-chip LSI chip-set that set a new benchmark for a low-cost four-function desktop calculator. Basic four-function with automatic decimal placement. Eight-digit vacuum-fluorescent display. See the Miida MC-840 and Adler 804 exhibits for examples of calculators using the same basic insides, which were made by Omron and sold to other calculator makers as an OEM assembly.

Omron 1214
Twelve digit, four function, vacuum-fluorescent display calculator packaged in a very contemporary wedge-shaped cabinet. Offers a single accumulating memory register which can be added to or subtracted from. Unusually small package for a full 12-digit calculator, hinting that the machine uses some form of large-scale integrated circuit technology for its brains. Same cabinet package used on the Miida MC-840.

Philips P-250
First-generation printing-only desktop electronic calculator by Philips, 1968. Discrete component transistorized logic utilizing magnetic core memory as working storage. Drum and hammer printing mechanism. Four function with percent feature. Two memory registers. 16 digit capacity with fixed decimal, leading zero suppression.

Philips P-249/P-251/P-252
Second-generation printing desktop electronic calculators from Philips, circa 1969. Early small-scale DTL integrated circuit design, utilizing magnetic core memory as working storage. 90 character-per-second serial 7-pin dot-matrix printing mechanism, first of its kind in electronic calculator use. 14-digit capacity. Model P 249 has no memory capability, while the P 251 and P 252 have one and two memory registers respectively. All models feature a percentage calculation. Model P 252 includes one-key automatic square root. All models have fixed decimal with trailing zero suppression and automatic rounding. Approximate dimensions of 19" deep, 13 3/4" wide, 8 1/4" high and weight of 33 pounds.

Ricoh Ricomac 1200D
Basic early '70's four function, 12-digit desktop calculator. Manufactured by Unicom, a division of chip manufacturer American Micro-systems, Inc., and sold by OEM customers including Ricoh and Commodore, as well as under the Unicom brand name. Unicom's first calculator product.

Ricoh Ricomac 1200
An updated version of the Ricomac 1200D using newer LSI technology to shrink the size of the machine by reducing the chip count. Manufactured by Unicom division of American Micro-systems, Inc. (AMI), utilizing an AMI-made chip set. Sold by OEM customers of Unicom, including Ricoh and Commodore, as well as under the Unicom brand name.

Ricoh Ricomac 1210
One of Ricoh's first electronic calculators. Twelve digit, four function, Nixie display desktop office calculator with accumulating memory register. Small scale NEC-made MOS logic. Also sold under OEM agreement with Walther as the Walther ETR-1

Ricoh Ricomac 2420
Twelve digit, four function, Nixie display desktop office calculator with memory register. Small scale integrated circuit logic, with magnetostrictive delay line for register storage.

Robotron K1003
Microprocessor-based desktop programmable electronic calculator made in East Germany by VEB Robotron-Büromaschinenwerk. Seven-segment LED display with ten digits for display, and an additional two digits with sign for power-of-ten exponent, along with four-digits for displaying program step number. Based on an Eastern-European clone of the Intel 8008 microprocessor called the U808. Thermal printer for recording results of calculations and listing programs. Magnetic card for storing/reading programs and data. ROM-based plug-in cartridges for adding functions such as statistics and scientific calculations. Lesser-capable versions marketed as K1001 and K1002, which are also of interest. Introduced in 1978.

Any Rockwell 900-Series Programmable Calculator
Mid-1970's vintage programmable electronic calculators from Rockwell. Models include 920, 930, 940, and 960. Not currently looking for the Rockwell 960, as one is already exhibited in the museum. Display and printer. Magnetic card reader for program/data storage. 14-digit capacity using Panaplex-style gas-discharge display. Also marketed by Sumlock in Europe under the ANITA brand. Rockwell or Sumlock models wanted.

Royal Digital I-K
Circa 1971, ten-digit vacuum-fluorescent display electronic calculator made for Royal Typewriter Company by TEAL (Tokyo Electronic Applications Laboratory) in Tokyo, Japan. Four function with percent, constant for multiply/divide. Fixed decimal at 0, 2, 3 or 4 digits behind the decimal point. Unusual and quite beautiful ten-segment VF display tubes with large, clear blue digits. Small and medium-scale Japanese-made MOS integrated circuit design. There are two versions of this calculator, one that has the designation "ROYAL DIGITAL I-K" to the right above the display panel, and the other that reads only "DIGITAL I-K". The museum is currently seeking the machine with the "ROYAL DIGITAL I-K" designation. See the WANTED page for the calculator for details.

Sanyo ICC-121
Late 1960's small-scale MOS Integrated Circuit-based four-function desktop electronic calculator. Unique modular seven-segment incandescent display. 12-digit capacity, sliding fixed decimal selection with 0 to 6 digits behind decimal.

Sanyo ICC-141
Small scale MOS-IC-based desktop electronic calculator from the late 1960's. Unique modular segmented incandescent display. 14-digit capacity, fixed decimal, four function single accumulating memory register. Utilizes early MOS shift register IC for register storage.

Sanyo ICC-0161
First LSI-based calculator from Sanyo. 16-digit capacity, gas-discharge tube-type display. Four function. Probably the smallest 16-digit electronic calculator ever made.

Schneider Radio/Tèlèvision Electronique EXA(Exactronique) 210
French-made 14-digit Nixie Tube display desktop electronic calculator. Four function with memory accumulator. Fixed decimal point at 0, 2, 4, or 6 digits. Philips-made small-scale TTL IC logic using a 256-bit glass ultrasonic delay line for working register storage. Diode-based microprogram ROM. Functionally very similar to the Sharp Compet 22 after which the calculator was patterned, but using completely different technology. Introduced at Paris International Business Machines & Computer show in September, 1969.

Schneider Radio/Tèlèvision Electronique EXA(Exactronique) 310
French-made 12-digit Nixie Tube display desktop electronic calculator. Four function w/memory register. Philips-made Large-Scale IC multi-chip circuitry. Introduced in 1970.

SCM/Marchant Cogito 240
First electronic calculator from SCM/Marchant, introduced in June, 1965. CRT display, four function calculator with three surrogate memory registers. Transistorized logic with magnetostrictive delay line for register storage.

SCM/Marchant Cogito 566PR
1968 vintage programmable printing electronic calculator. Four function with automatic square root. 16-digit capacity, eight memory registers. 66 step learn-mode programmability.

SCM/Marchant Model 410
Low-end model of SCM/Marchant 400-series desktop electronic calculator. Nixie tube display, 10 digits. Unique 'dimmed' leading/trailing zeroes. Floating point (as opposed to settable fixed point on Cogito 412(12-digit) and Cogito 414(14-digit) models. Does not provide division function! Note that this model is designated "Marchant 410" as opposed to the "Cogito" designation on the 412 and 414 machines.

Seiko S-301
Circa late 1969. Utilizes Seiko's famous compact impact rotary drum printer. Small-Scale DTL (Diode-Transistor Logic) IC logic circuitry. Learn-mode programmable with up to 153 program steps. Four function with square root. Twelve memory registers; five store/recall, five arithmetic memories, and two summation registers. Fixed decimal with zero to nine digits behind the decimal point, thumb wheel-selectable. Fifteen digits of capacity. Negative numbers print in red. Card reader for program entry. Magnetostrictive delay line for working register and program storage. Large library of applications programs available from Seiko. Exclusively distributed in Japan by Uchida Yoko.

Hayakawa Electric's Sharp Compet 10 (Model CS-10A)
Hayakawa Electric's (Sharp) first production electronic calculator. Fully-transistorized logic. "Full Size" keyboard, similar to older style electromechanical calculators. Twenty-digit Nixie tube display.

Sharp Compet 18
MOS integrated-circuit-based desktop calculator utilizing unusual Itron Vacuum-Fluorescent display tubes. Identical in function to the Sharp Compet 16 with only difference being the Itron vacuum-fluorescent display versus the Nixie tube display of the Compet 16.

Sharp Compet 20
All-transistor electronic desktop calculator. Fourteen digit Nixie tube display, with Nixie tube sign indication (+/-) at left end of display.

Sharp Compet 21
Follow-on version to the Sharp Compet 20, adding automatic square root function that calculates square roots to six significant places. Square root is calculated by entering the radicand, followed by the [÷] key immediately followed by pressing the [=] key. Visually identical to the Compet 20.

Sharp Compet 23
Reduced cost version of the Sharp Compet 22, removing accessory connection capability. Functionally identical to the Compet 22. Four function, one accumulator-style memory register, fourteen digit Nixie tube display, small/medium-scale MOS IC construction.

Sharp Compet 30
Similar in appearance and architecture to the earlier Sharp Compet 15, but added pushbuttons rather than a rotary switch for decimal point selection, added two additional digits of capacity and an accumulator-style memory register. Two versions of the Compet 30 were made, with the initial Model CS-30A lacking numeric sign indication, displaying negative numbers as a tens compliment, while the later Model CS-30B, which superseded the CS-30A, added a negative indicator at the left end of the display and properly displayed negative numbers. The CS-30B also added an indicator to notify the operator when the memory register contains non-zero content. Soviet electronics company Elektronika produced a virtually identical clone of the Sharp Compet CS-30B called the Elektronika 68. The Old Calculator Museum would also be interested in acquiring one of these Soviet-era calculators.

Sharp Compet 31
Fourteen digit Nixie tube display, with single memory register. Visually and functionally identical to the Sharp Compet 30 model CS-30B. This machine was essentially a remake of the CS-30B utilizing early Mitsubishi-manufactured small-scale bipolar transistor-transistor logic (TTL) integrated circuit technology. 28 IC's were used to replace the transistorized memory register of the CS-30A/CS-30B calculators, with the rest of the logic of the calculator using the same discrete diode/transistor logic as the CS-30B. This calculator marked Sharp's first use of integrated circuits in a production calculator.

Sharp Compet 50
Hayakawa Electric's first printing electronic calculator using an early Shinshu Seiki (Epson) drum and hammer impact printer. Sixteen digit capacity, with two memory registers, and a two-digit Nixie tube display to keep track of the number of digits entered. Small scale MOS integrated circuit logic, with magnetic core memory for register storage. Wanted dead or alive.

Sharp Compet 261
Sixteen digit Nixie tube display AC-Powered desktop electronic calculator.

Sharp Compet 361/361R/361M/361P
A series of desktop electronic calculators, initially introduced in mid-1969. Sixteen digit Nixie tube display. Small-scale MOS integrated circuit design, with magnetic core memory array for working register storage. Four function, (with Model CS-361R adding Sharp's signature two-key square root function), fixed decimal, with two accumulating memory registers. In mid-1970, the Model CS-361M was introduced, adding four more accumulator-type memory registers, bringing the total to six memory registers. The last of the series, the top end calculator, Model CS-361P added learn-mode programming capabilities to the features of the 361M.

Sharp Compet 364P
Sharp desktop programmable calculator. Sixteen digit Nixie tube display, magnetic card reader for program load/store. Appears to pre-date the CS-363P, using earlier technology. Optional 'snap-on' printer module adds printing capability.

Sharp Compet 662
Printing desktop calculator using unusual "ticker-tape" style serial printer, circa 1969.

Soemtron ETR-220
East-German (GDR) Electronic Calculator produced from 1966-1977. Transistorized circuitry, Fifteen digit Nixie tube display, magnetic core memory. Four function with three accumulator-style memory registers. Fixed decimal with eleven decimal point settings.

Sony ICC-88
Horizontal form-factor rechargeable battery-powered (built-in NiCd battery pack) four-function, eight digit calculator using a version of Electronic Arrays' six-chip calculator chip-set. Introduced September, 1971.

Sony ICC-200
Sixteen digit, two memory registers, square root.

Sony ICC-550W
First-generation Sony desktop electronic calculator. Upgraded version of Sony ICC-500W, adding comma-style digit grouping, memory subtotal, and constant functions. Hybrid module transistorized circuitry. Fourteen digit capacity, Nixie tube display with leading-zero suppression.

Sony ICC-600W
First-generation Sony desktop electronic Calculator. Upgraded version of the Sony ICC-550W, adding square root function. Hybrid module transistor logic. Fourteen digit capacity. Nixie tube display.

Sony ICC-2500W
Sony's first programmable electronic calculator. Fifteen digit capacity, with leading zero suppression, 111 step program memory, and seven general memory registers and one accumulating memory register. Program step, memory registers, and working registers stored in a Sony-made magnetostrictive delay line. Utilizes Sony-made small-scale proprietary bipolar integrated circuit logic.

Sony ICC-2700W
Sony's top-of-the-line programmable calculator, and also last of Sony's line of electronic calculators before they left the calculator business. Very similar in appearance to the Sony ICC-2550W exhibited in the Old Calculator Museum, except adds twelve additional memory registers and a larger program storage space, with 253 steps. Small and medium-scale proprietary Sony-made integrated circuit construction.

Sperry Remington EDC-I / EDC-ID
Sperry-Remington Nixie desktop, late 1960's. Thirteen digit capacity. Small-scale bipolar IC circuitry, with IC's made by Philco Ford Microelectronics. EDC-1D offers thumb-wheel-selectable decimal point, while EDC-1 provides no apparent means for setting decimal point selection, with the assumption that it provides automatic decimal point placement.

Remington E-3
The Remington E-3 is a an OEM version of the Brother 310 calculator manufactured by Brother Industries, Ltd. in Japan. The Remington E-3 is identical in all ways to the Brother 310 other than badging. The museum is looking to find both the Brother 310 and the Remington E-3 calculators.

Tektronix Model 21
Tektronix' entry-level programmable desktop electronic calculator, little brother to the Tektronix Model 31. Introduced concurrently with the Tektronix Model 31 in mid-1973. Ten digit mantissa with two digit exponent. Large complement of scientific math functions, including trig, logarithms, exponential functions, square root, and some statistical functions. Gas-discharge seven-segment display using Sperry-made two and three digit display modules. Optional thermal printer. Magnetic strip program storage. Single linear "f(x)" learn-mode programming with no loop/branch capabilities. Two-level microcoded architecture. Large Scale Integration MOS chip-set, with logic design by Tektronix and chip layout and fabrication performed by American Micro-systems Inc. Remainder of the logic of the machine consists of small- and medium-scale 7400-series TTL integrated circuits. Solid state memory based on 2102 Random Access Memory (RAM) chips containing 1024 bits addressable individually. Motorola-made Mask-Programmed Read-Only Memory (ROM) chips for storing microcode.

Toshiba TOSCAL BC-1001
Toshiba's first electronic calculator. Discrete transistor logic. Ten digit incandescent electro-optical display, similar to that used in Canon's first-generation calculators such as the Canon 161. Display includes three-digit grouping indicators. Automatic decimal point placement. Constant function for multiplication and division. Introduced in Japan in December, 1965. placement.

Toshiba TOSCAL BC-1201
First-generation Toshiba low-cost entry-level desktop four-function electronic calculator. Discrete transistor logic. Twelve digit capacity, Nixie tube display. Discrete diode/transistor logic. Fixed decimal at zero or three digits behind decimal point. Constant function.

Toshiba TOSCAL BC-1202
Toshiba entry-level low-cost desktop four-function electronic calculator. Twelve digit capacity, Nixie tube display. Small-scale integrated circuit logic.

Toshiba TOSCAL BC-1211
12-digit, four-function desktop electronic calculator. Identical in style to the Toshiba BC-1211S.

Toshiba TOSCAL BC-1213
Second-generation Toshiba Nixie tube display desktop electronic calculator. Twelve digit capacity.

Toshiba TOSCAL BC-1412
Early (late 1960's) Toshiba Nixie tube electronic calculator. Fourteen digit, five function (percent function) calculator with memory. Fixed decimal, thumb-wheel selectable to 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 digits behind the decimal point. Discrete transistor circuitry.

Toshiba TOSCAL BC-1414
Early (late 1960's) Toshiba Fluorescent display electronic calculator. Fourteen digit display w/memory. Fixed decimal with rotary-switch selectable decimal point location. Large-Scale (as claimed by Toshiba) MOS integrated circuit design, circa 1970.

Toshiba TOSCAL BC-1421
Early (late 1960's) Fluorescent display desktop electronic calculator. Fourteen digit display with two memory registers. Fixed decimal with rotary-switch selectable decimal point location. Early Toshiba Small-Scale MOS integrated circuit design.

Toshiba BC-1621
1968-vintage Nixie-display electronic calculator. Sixteen digit display, floating decimal, two memory registers. Square root and percent functions.

Toshiba BC-1623
Late 1960's Nixie tube display electronic calculator. Sixteen digit display, four-function with automatic square root and percent calculations. Small-scale integrated circuit logic. Electro-mechanical item counter.

Toshiba BC-1623G
Follow-on to the BC-1623 adding 30 steps of learn-mode programmability and an additional memory register.

Toshiba BC-1612
Late 1960's Nixie tube display electronic calculator. Four function with percent. Sixteen digit display. Single accumulator-style memory register. Early Toshiba-made MOS small & medium-scale integrated circuit logic.

Toshiba BC-1625
Late 1960's Nixie-display electronic calculator. Sixteen digit display, extended memory capabilities. At the high-end of Toshiba's second generation of desktop electronic calculators.

Uchida Yoko USAC 10B
Product of large Japanese manufacturing conglomerate, Uchida Yoko Co., Ltd. Claims to be the world's first all integrated circuit desktop electronic calculator, though this is a claim that is unlikely to be true. Introduced sometime in mid- to late-1967. Ten digit, four function calculator with single accumulating memory register. Nixie tube display. Interested in the machine itself, as well as any other information about the company and its electronic calculators.

Victor 3900 Calculator
First electronic calculator introduced by Victor Comptometer in October, 1965. Breakthrough MOS LSI integrated circuit design that was way ahead of its time. Twenty digit capacity with CRT display, floating decimal, four function with three memory registers, two of which are always displayed. Also marketed for a short period of time as the Philco-Ford 3900.

Any Victor 1500-series Calculator
Desktop printing electronic calculators, made in West Germany by Wanderer Werke, AG and Nixdorf Computer. Victor Comptometer was an OEM customer, and marketed the machines in North America as the 1500-series calculators, after its difficulties with its state-of-the-art shattering Victor 3900. Known models: 1503 (Three memories), 1503R (Three memories and square root), 1510 (Ten memories), 1510R (Ten memories and square root).

Victor 1800-1721 Scientific Calculator
The high-end of the Victor 1800-series of display-type calculators based on LSI chip set manufactured by Rockwell. Scientific functions, including trig and logarithms. Panaplex display with fourteen digit capacity. Automatic floating decimal.

Any Victor 4000-series Programmable Calculator
A series of five programmable print-only microprocessor-driven electronic calculators, including the 4900, 4800, 4700, 4600, and 4500 models. These calculators use a high-speed seven-pin dot-matrix alphanumeric impact printer. The machines have fourteen digit capacity with up to thirteen digits behind the decimal. All models except the 4500 have a magnetic card reader for storage of programs and data. The museum is currently looking for models 4500, 4600, 4700 and 4800 calculators. Wanted dead or alive.

Any model Wanderer Conti Calculator
Desktop electronic printing calculators produced by German company Wanderer Werke, AG. Numerous models, including the Conti, Conti 10, Conti R, Conti 10R, Conti MR, Conti AF, Conti AFD, Conti D, Conti P, Conti M. The original Wanderer Conti was introduced in 1965, with electronics designed by Nixdorf. Calculators themselves, or any documentation for these machines is wanted. Nixdorf Computer later purchased Wanderer Werke, and sold the machines under the Nixdorf brand, as well as offering the machines to OEM customers, most notably, Victor Comptometer in the USA. The machines were marketed in North America by Victor Comptometer as the Victor 1500 series. The calculators were also marketed by Sumlock Comptometer in Europe, in order to add printing calculator capability to Sumlock's line of Nixie-tube display calculators. The initial calculators were made with discrete Silicon transistor logic, and use magnetic core memory for register storage. A microcoded architecture (arguably the first fully microcode-driven electronic calculator on the market) is used with a wire rope microcode store holding the microinstructions that govern the operation of the calculator.

Walther ETR-1
A desktop electronic calculator sold by the West German company famous for its handguns. Walther also manufactured high quality desktop mechanical and electro-mechanical calculating machines prior to the advent of the electronic ETR-1. The ETR-1 was the company's first venture into the realm of electronic calculating machines, though the machine was neither designed nor manufactured by Walther. It was actually manufactured by the Japanese company Ricoh, under an OEM relationship with Walther. The ETR-1 is a twelve digit, four function calculator with a single accumulator-style memory register, with a summation mode. It utilizes Nixie tubes for display, and early Japanese small-scale MOS integrated circuits for its logic. Switch-selectable (0, 3 and 5 digits behind decimal) fixed decimal.

Any Wang LOCI-1 Calculator
Wang Laboratories' first electronic calculator, introduced sometime in 1964. Quickly superseded by the Wang LOCI-2, which provided higher accuracy, optional magnetic core memory register storage, and punched-card based programming capabilities.

Any Wang 100-series Calculators
Introduced in mid-1970, the 100-series calculators filled a niche between the now dated Wang 300-series calculators, and the higher-end Wang 700-Series calculators. Twelve digit capacity. Nixie tube display and print-only versions. Small and Medium-Scale DTL & TTL Integrated circuits make up the logic of the machines, with a microcoded architecture using two large diode array read-only memories for storing the microcode. Bit-serial architecutre to reduce cost. Models targeted toward business, scientific, and statistical applications. See the Old Calculator Museum's exhibit on the Wang 144T for an example of this series of Wang calculators and more information.

Any Wang 400-series Programmable Calculator
Wang's fourth and final generation of programmable electronic calculators. Various models, including advanced statistics( Model 462), surveying(Model 487), and scientific(Model 450 and 452). Up to 320 steps of learn-mode programmability. Approx. 10 1/2" Wide, 14" Deep, 5 1/2" High. Burroughs Panaplex-style seven segment planar display versus Nixie tube displays of earlier Wang calculators. Introduced late 1972/early 1973. Uses solid-state MOS RAM and ROM versus magnetic RAM/ROM of earlier Wang calculators. Design based on architecture of earlier Wang 600-series calculators, but updated with newer IC technology.

Any Wang 500-series Programmable Calculator
Programmable third-generation of Wang scientific calculators. Available as Model 500 or Model 520, with varying program step and memory capacities. Single-row Nixie tube display. Optional built-in Magnetic Cassette tape drive and 21-column 160LPM drum printer. Based on architecture of the Wang 700-series calculators, but somewhat scaled back to reduce cost. Uses small and medium-scale integrated circuit technology, with Wang's first use of solid state RAM (Intel 2102 1024x1 bit RAM) memory instead of magnetic core. Utilizes wire-rope magnetic core microcode store design similar to Wang 700-series.

Any Wang C-series Desktop Calculator
Wang's last generation of desktop calculators. Very similar to the 400-series calculators, but without learn-mode programming capabilities. Burroughs Panaplex-style 7-segment planar display. Introduced late 1972/early 1973. Uses solid-state RAM and ROM versus magnetic RAM/ROM of earlier Wang calculators.

Wyle Laboratories Model WS-01 Scientific Electronic Calculator
Second-generation desktop punched-card programmable(optional) electronic calculator, introduced in April, 1964 by Wyle Laboratories of El Segundo, California. Eight inch integrated CRT display. Six lines of 24 digits (grouped in three digit blocks) on display. One-key square root, three memory registers. Optional punched card reader provided programmability. Discrete transistor technology. Uses a small magnetic disk for working register storage. Model number may be listed as "WS-1", "WS-01", or "WS-I" on the tag on the back panel of the calculator near the power connector. Any Wyle Labs calculator identified as such is wanted. If you have or know of the whereabouts of one of these machines, please contact the museum by clicking the EMail button at the top of this page.

Old Calculator Accessories and Documentation WANTED

The Old Calculator Museum is always looking for miscellaneous electronic calculator-related items from the time frame of the museum's interest, which ranges from 1963 to 1973. If you have any of the items listed below, please click the EMail button in the menu-bar at the top of this page to contact the museum. Please include as much information you know about the item as possible, and photos if possible.

The items of interest are:

Calculator user manuals
Calculator sales and marketing literature
Advertisements not already exhibited in the museum's Advertisements section
Calculator peripheral devices (e.g., plotters, printers, magnetic tape units disk drives (8" and 5 1/2" floppy disk and hard disk systems)
Remote keyboard/display consoles)
Data storage media (8" floppy discs, data-grade cassette tapes, magnetic cards)
Calculator ROM packs (plug-in modules for adding additional functionality)
Calculator company internal newsletters/publications (e.g, Wang Labs "Programmer", Hewlett Packard Journal, etc., in any language)
Calculator dust covers
Original calculator sales materials
Trade show calculator product handouts
Calculator company internal calculator marketing information
Marketing materials (e.g. calculator-themed jewelry, rulers, cigarette lighters, pocket knives, wrist watches, note pads, ink pens, pencils, calendars)
Company internal engineering or manufacturing documentation
Manufacturer's calculator schematics
Manufacture's service technician documentation
Disembodied (but otherwise complete) calculator circuit boards
Calculator integrated circuits (NOS, unused)
Calculator display devices including Nixie tubes, Burroughs Panaplex or other planar segmented gas-discharge display panels, individual gas-discharge segmented display tubes, individual vacuum-fluorescent display tubes, dot matrix LED display modules, dot matrix vacuum fluorescent display panels, Burroughs Self-Scan display panels, seven segment LED display modules, and Sperry/Beckman gas-discharge two or three digit display modules. NOT looking for Liquid Crystal (LCD) or Vacuum-Fluorescent seven or eight segment display panels
Original printing ribbons/spools(not reproductions or current-day replacements)
Peripheral interconnection cables
External programmer add-on devices
Vintage electronic calculator advertising, documentary, or usage of electronic calculators in video form (any media)


Wang 301 Column Printer
Wang 300-Series drum impact printer peripheral, introduced late 1969.

Wang 703 Data Editor
Punched paper-tape editor/reformatter peripheral for Wang 700-Series programmable calculators. Allows data to be fed to a Wang 700-Series calculator, with on-the-fly formatting and blocking occurring as the tape is read. Rack-mounted or table-top form factor, with the rack mount version adding a series of plug-boards and switches to allow the formatting and blocking operations to be configured. High-speed eight-level paper tape reader reads data from punched tape on command from the Wang 700-series calculator. Used primarily for input of data to the Wang 700 calculator from other data processing or data acquisition sources which generate punched tape as their output.

Any manuals for the Texas Instruments SR-60

English Operator's Manual: Sharp Compet 20 (CS-20A)

Service Manuals for the following models of Casio electronic calculators (any Language): 101, AL-1000, AL-2000, 121-A or AS-A, 121-B or AS-B, AS-L

Sharp Service Manual for the following models (any language): Compet 20 (CS-20A), Compet 21 (CS-21A), Compet 15 (CS-15A), Compet 16 (CS-15x), Compet 17, Compet 18, Compet 12, Compet 363P, Compet 365P, Memorizer 60 Programmer

Other Related Items WANTED

McGraw-Hill Publishing's Product Engineering Magazine - February 24, 1969 Edition
Featuring Calculator Innovator Dr. An Wang. and New Wang 700 Calculator

Wang Laboratories Field Facts Magazines
An internal periodical published by Wang Laboratories, focusing on providing information to the field sales and service forces on Wang's calculator and other products.

Wang Laboratories Programmer Magazines
Monthly periodical published by Wang Laboratories, focusing on their electronic calculator technology and its applications.
Specific editions wanted: July 1967 (Vol. 1, No. 1); August 1967 (Vol. 1, No. 2), September 1967 (Vol. 1, No. 3); November, 1969 (Vol. 3, No. 10); January, 1971 (Vol. 5, No. 2); June, 1977 (Vol. 11, No. 2); December, 1977 (Vol. 11, No. 4)

Administrative Management Magazines
Any "Administrative Management" (The Magazine of Methods, Personnel and Equipment) magazines in good condition from 1961 through 1973.

Calculators and Related Items For Sale or Trade

The items listed here are for trade. If you have an interest in any of the items shown here, and have an item that you believe may be of interest to me, please EMail me. If you wish to purchase rather than trade, I'll consider offers, but generally prefer to trade if possible.

HP98210A String-Advanced Programming ROM Cartridge for Hewlett Packard 9825A calculator
Tested to work. Provides a number of enhancements to the HPL programming environment on the 9825.

HP 98216A 9872A Plotter - General I/O - Extended I/O ROM Cartridge for the Hewlett Packard 9825 calculator
Tested to work properly. Provides enhancements to HPL programming environment to allow for I/O to external devices (via external device interfaces plugged into the 9825) and plotting capabilities for the HP9872A Plotter. No interfaces included, only the ROM cartridge itself.